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Join Maik Kindermann and Nicola Walker as they discuss the relevance of methane mitigation strategies for the livestock sector (ruminants) in view of sustainable animal production systems. They will also be covering the role of methane inhibitors and the specific aspects of the development of Bovaer (3-NOP) and animal trial results including GreenFeed Systems.
Maik Kinnermann is the inventor of the methane inhibitor 3-NOP (Bovaer®) and heading the R&D program for the project "Clean Cow." As a chemist by training with background in molecular biology, he is working with his team to bring cutting-edge technology into the animal nutrition and health sector with a special focus on sustainability topics.
Nicola Walker is leading the animal trials for the project "Clean Cow." As a rumen microbiologist and animal scientist, she brings an understanding of the impact that 3-NOP has on the rumen microbiome and how this methane mitigator can reduce methane emissions and influence animal performance.